Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Some people watch TV to relax, some read books. I surf the internet. Especially since my parents have no TV, and my mom has so many books. Inevitably, I would revert to my old ways and stay up till 2 or 3am all caught up in the story. I need my beauty sleep, y'all!

I'm sitting in my pjs on my mom's guest bed in Philly. Mom and Dad have no internet service. The best they had to offer was a phone line. Through the miracle of technology, I added internet service to my blackberry, and am now surfing the net (at a surprisingly RAPID pace) by tethering my laptop to my blackberry. Yes, I could simply surf the web on my phone, but the screen is really small, so I tether. I love modern technology.

I am so blessed to be here. Blessed to have been able to attend service at Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia last night. Blessed to be spending Christmas with Cliff, Ellyna, and Sophia, along with Ellyna's family. Blessed to be God's precious child. Blessed to know He has a plan, and I just need to be available to Him. Blessed to be saved out of my sin and depravity into the glorious light of His Gospel. Blessed to know Him, trust Him, and claim Him as my own.

My Christmas present to you: Mercy Me: Emmanuel

I hope you are equally blessed this Christmas!


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