Many of you have suffered through me talking non-stop about being called to South Africa in September. I have the privilege of joining a short term mission trip with the Crossing Church. This is my first overseas missions trip, and I am very excited.
The Crossing Church is partnering with Swi Ta Lunda to reach those children who are vulnerable due to poverty and HIV/AIDS. SwiTa Lunda means things will get better. This year, we are partnering with local churches and missionaries to:
- bring teaching through bible stories and crafts
- provide for community needs such as clothing and school supplies
- home visitations to minister to AIDS patients
- provide AIDS awareness and prevention education
- provide training to caregivers of orphaned children
I am very excited about the opportunities and experiences that lie ahead. I hope you can see the value in what this team will accomplish. As you can imagine, a trip like this requires financial support from a number of people. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me as I respond to God's call to minister to the needs of children in South Africa? There are a number of ways you can help:

- Prayer support. Cover me and the team in prayer as we prepare mentally, physically and emotionally. Keep us in prayer as we travel, and pray for open hearts and open minds to receive God's word.
- Supplies. We are collecting clothing and school supplies to bless the children, and hygiene products for the adults.
- Financial Support. Any support you can give to offset the cost of travel, transportation, meals, etc is welcome.
Anything you can give will bless me, the team, and the children of South Africa. If you would like to donate, please email me at I will be happy to explain how to write the check and where to send it, or connect with you to pick up donations. Meantime, here are a few shots from last year's trip. A thousand words couldn't explain all the reasons why I am so compelled to go. Hopefully a few pictures will.

This little girl walks for miles from her home to the orphanage every day with her baby brother strapped to her back to get food. Her mother is too sick to care for the baby.

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