When I moved here I purchased a new bed. It's my first real bed. Headboard, footboard, rails, its beautiful. Simple. I love it. Trying to cheap out, when I purchased it from my favorite Swedish based furniture company, I opted out of the wooden slats that they sell with every bed. Normally if one has a boxspring and mattress (I was told) one doesn't need the wooden slats. So I put together the bed, and my roommate and her boyfriend put the boxspring and mattress on the frame. It was awesome. A couple of weeks later, I sat on the edge of the bed, the boxspring and mattress shifted and there was a decided tilt to my sleeping space.
My roommates boyfriend helped me get it back where it was supposed to be, but last weekend after it shifted for the third time, I realized I was now climbing gingerly in and out of bed. I was holding my breath for the next drop. I went back to the famous swedish store and purchased the slats. Since I was there, I got a few other things...
Tonight I came home, mentally pooped from an afternoon of sitting through training. I needed some physical exercise. So yes, I muscled the mattress and boxspring off the bedframe, found instructions on installing the wooden slats (go google!!), and after installing, put the boxspring and mattress back on the bed.
I topped off the triumph by putting together this awesome little chair I found for $20. Now all I need is a bedside table and I'll be set...
I am WOMAN, hear me ROAR!!! I am tired.
WHAT??!! I am so ashamed of you