Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Its positive post tuesday, so here goes:

Friday night was Marvin Renslow's Memorial Service aka: Celebration of Life. Captain Renslow was the pilot of the plane that crashed in Buffalo, NY on Thursday, February 14. His family attends services at my church, and they are an integral part of the body of believers there.

During the service, his 12-year-old daughter stood up and sang "I Believe". How she kept her composure the whole way through the song, I have no idea. As if that wasn't enough (not many dry eyes at that point) she then spoke about her dad at length. Her words turned those of us who were still dry-eyed into blubbering babies. Her composure and courage were astonishing. Her final words will forever ring in my ears: "I often wonder what God has planned for all of this, and some day I will get to ask Him why He took my dad so early. But, all I know right now is that I will trust the Lord always."

In the face of this statement of Faith, how can we think our problems are too big to carry? God holds us in the palm of his hand. He tells us he "will never leave us, or forsake us". Kaley, thank you for the lesson. No matter what happens to me, I will trust God.

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